25th March 2018 in Chiba Sport Arena in Tokyo was held The 5th KWF Grandprix open tournament with participation 740 competitors from 11 countries using KWF Kumite Rules. The registration was made in official Hotel APA Makuhari. During opening ceremony General Secretary KWF Andre Drewniak spoke on behalf of the KWF Board and forwarded successes to competitors, coaches and judges. He stressed that all Senseis who were students of Sosai Mas. Oyama have the obligation to train young people in spirit of philosophy and rules taught by Sosai. In the name of KWU, General Secretary Alexander Pichkunov spoke, who stressed the need to unite all of Kyokushin. The guest of honor was AKR Director Sergey Suvorov. The main judge was shihan Kaneko from Japan.
At 26th March there were bus trip to visit of Sosai grave, Tokyo National Museum and Asakusa Temple.
The organizer of tournament was Japanese Kyokushin Federation lead by CR Noriyuki Tanaka.